Cakap Study Abroad

Study Abroad & Scholarship Preparation

Let’s start your study abroad preparation with Cakap. We offer various services to help your learning journey takes off even higher.
Cakap Study Abroad
How Cakap Supports Your Study Abroad Preparation
We offer education consultation, guidance, and ways to help you improve your proficiencies for various language tests required for admission to your dream university.
Access to Top Universities
We have collaborated with various universities and study agencies in multiple countries in Asia and Europe.
Free Scholarship & Study Abroad Consultation
Get guidance and free consultation for your study abroad needs, from choosing the country, university, and major.
Proficiency Improvement
Master and improve foreign language competency test scores, starting from English (IELTS/TOEFL), Mandarin (HSK), Korean, Japanese, etc.
Listen to What They Say
BLCC is internationally standardized and fully equipped with facilities. As you can see, this soccer field is only one of many student facilities!
The surroundings here are peaceful. Many laoshī are also very kind; they teach us from the beginning.
I choose to study at BLCC because of its comfortable environment and its neat, complete student facilities. Thank you, Cakap!
BLCC is internationally standardized and fully equipped with facilities. As you can see, this soccer field is only one of many student facilities!
The surroundings here are peaceful. Many laoshī are also very kind; they teach us from the beginning.
I choose to study at BLCC because of its comfortable environment and its neat, complete student facilities. Thank you, Cakap!
Contact Us
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us any time.
Let’s get in touch!
Please fill out the form so we can reach you and discuss your plan to study abroad together!



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    Academic Background

    School or University of Origin

    Preferred Country

    Preferred University

    Preferred Major

    A consultation and guidance program for overseas education and language test preparation. We help students choose a country to study in, as well as universities and degree programs that match their passions and interests. Students will also be prepared for foreign language tests such as TOEFL, IELTS, JLPT, TOPIK, and HSK in order to achieve the required score.

    The requirements for studying abroad are separated into two categories: language requirements and academic requirements. Language requirements may include English or the other foreign languages depending on the country of study destination.

    Academic requirements may include having completed a specific level of education or finishing school with a specific qualification. English-speaking countries often only accept students with international curriculum diplomas such as A-Level or International Baccalaureate (IB).


    Academic preparation includes maintaining good grades and taking classes related to the field of study you intend to pursue. Before enrolling in an undergraduate degree, national high school students can take a Foundation or Pathway program.

    2. International language test

    Students must take an official international language test and get a specified score in order to be admitted to a university overseas. Because some language tests are rather costly, so it is important to prepare thoroughly.

    3. Letter of Motivation

    Another thing that must be prepared is a Motivation Letter, which contains reasons and motivations for studying in a specific country, university, and major. Students who demonstrate strong motivation and provide clear explanations in their Motivation Letter have a better chance of being accepted.

    4. Learn about the culture and society

    Another step in preparation is to learn about the culture, society, seasons, and environment of the country where you will be studying. Students living abroad will be highly affected by the factors mentioned, so it is essential to have an understanding of all of them before you leave.

    1. Access to the Top Universities

    Cakap has collaborated with numerous universities and educational institutions in Asia and Europe. This provides students with a range of countries, universities, and programs that meet their interests, skills, and study plans

    2. Guidance and free consultation

    Cakap offers free consulting and help to students in deciding on a destination country, as well as universities and study programs. Students can get advice on all of their study requirements in order to continue their education overseas.

    3. Proficiency Improvement

    Cakap will assist students in improving their foreign language skills in order to be compliant with their academic goals. Students will be helped to achieve the desired score on language proficiency tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, JLPT, HSK, TOPIK, and others.

    Cakap is now collaborating with a number of prominent Asian institutions, including those in Japan, South Korea, China, Malaysia, and Singapore. There is also a selection of universities in the United Kingdom, America, and Europe.