Level 1A
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can use variety of particles in expressions and phrases. Can understand and practice various vocabulary in Korean.
This is My Family (우리 가족입니다)
Students can use particles (우리 -입니다) and recognize the names of family members in Korean
I Like Puppies (나는 강아지를 좋아해요)
Students can ask and answer questions about what animals they like and recognize the names of animals in Korean.
Mina’s Eyes are Pretty (미나는 눈이 예뻐요)
Students can know expressions of praise and practice the added vocabulary in Korean.
I Do Not Go To Concerts Often (음악회에 자주 안 가요)
Students can use particles (-자주) and understand vocabulary about activity schedules in Korean.
Level 1B
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about hobbies and daily activity. Can know and understand various vocabulary about hobbies and activities in Korean.
My Hobby Is Playing Baseball (내 취미는 야구하기예요)
Students can ask and answer questions with phrases about hobbies and practice the vocabulary in Korean.
I Play Soccer With My Father (아빠하고 추구를 해요)
Students can use particles (-하고 -를 ) and understand vocabulary about activity schedules in Korean.
I Also Like Baseball (나는 야구도 좋아해요)
Students can use particle (도) and practice the vocabulary about variety of hobbies in Korean.
I Go to Library Often(도서관에 자주 가요)
Students can ask and answer questions with phrases about hobbies and know vocabulary about hobbies in Korean.
Level 1C
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about hobbies, positions, and shopping locations. Can know and understand various vocabulary about hobbies, positions, and shopping location in Korean.
Study Korean (한국어를 공부해요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about hobbies and know vocabulary about variety of hobbies in Korean.
It is in The Next Building (옆 건물에 있어요)
Students can use particles (-에 ) and understand vocabulary about positions in Korean.
Come to My House (우리 집에 오세요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about directions and know the vocabulary in Korean.
There are Many Stores in My Town (우리 동네에는 가게가 많아요)
Students can use particles (로) and understand the vocabulary of shopping locations in Korean.
Level 1D
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about vacations and school activities. Can know and understand various vocabulary about vacations and school activities in Korean.
I Give Souvenirs (기념품을 선물해요)
Students can use the particle (-예요) and understand the vocabulary of fruits, animals, and objects in Korean.
The Scenery was Beautiful (경치가 아름다웠어요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about vacations and understand vocabulary about vacations in Korean.
I went to Seoul (서울에 갔어요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about vacations and understand vocabulary about vacations in Korean.
I am an Elementary School Student (저는 초등학생이에요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about at school and understand vocabulary about activities at school in Korean.
Level 2A
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about ideals weekend activities and school schedules. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about ideals, weekend activities and school schedules in Korean.
I want to Become a Singer (가수가 되고 싶어요)
Students can use particle (-고 ) and understand vocabulary about ideals in Korean.
I Learn to Draw on Weekends (주말에 그림을 배워요)
Students can use particles (-에) and (과) and understand vocabulary about weekend activities in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can use particles (-에) and (과) and learning with some exercise and games about weekend activities in Korean.
We Take Computer Class on Friday at School (금요일에 학교에서 컴퓨터 수업을 들어요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about at school and understand vocabulary about school schedules in Korean.
Level 2B
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about games and festival events. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about games and festival events in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and practice grammar of the previous topic.
When Does The Play Start? (주말에 그림을 배워요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about game activities and understand vocabulary about game activities in Korean.
Festival (제전)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about festival events and understand vocabulary about festival events in Korean.
Festival (제전)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about festival events and understand vocabulary about festival events in Korean.
Level 2C
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about exhibition events, buying and selling, and concert events. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about exhibition events, buying and selling, and concert events culture in Korean.
The Exhibition Will Be Held a Week From Now (일주일 후에 전시회가 있어요)
Students can ask and answer questions about exhibition events and understand vocabulary about exhibition events in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and practice grammar of the previous topic about exhibition events in Korean.
How Much is The Bag? (가방이 얼마예요?)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about buying and selling and understand vocabulary about buying and selling and prices in Korean.
What Date is The Concert? (음악회가 며칠이에요?)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about concert events and understand vocabulary about concert events and dates and days in Korean.
Level 2D
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 1Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about graduation ceremony, the types date and days also weather in Korea. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about graduation ceremony, another important events culture and weather in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and practice grammar of the previous topic about concerts in Korean.
My Younger Brother Could Not Go To The Graduation Ceremony (동생은 졸업식에 못 갔어요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about graduation ceremony and understand vocabulary about graduation ceremony and date and day in Korean.
Important Events (중요한 사건)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about important events and understand vocabulary about events in Korean.
The Weather in Seoul is Good (서울은 날씨가 좋아요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about the weather and understand vocabulary about various types of weather in Korea.
Level 3A
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about introductions at school and phrases about school in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about introductions at school and phrases about school cultures in Korean.
It’s A New School Year (새 학년이 되었어요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about the new school year and understand vocabulary about the new school year at school in Korean.
I’m Happy to Meet You (만나서 반가워)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about introductions at school and understand vocabulary about introductions at school in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and practice grammar of the previous topic about schools in Korean.
School is Fun (학교생할이 즐거워요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about at school and understand vocabulary about at school in Korea.
Level 3B
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about types of work and gifts and special days in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about types of work and gifts and special days cultures in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and practice grammar of the previous topic about schools in Korean.
My Mother Went to Market (어머니께서 시장에 가셨어요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about activities and work and understand vocabulary about the types of work in Korean.
I Will Give a Gift to Grandmother (할머니께 선물을 드릴 거예요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about gifts and birthdays and understand vocabulary about gifts and special days in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and practice grammar of the previous topic about gifts and special days in Korean.
Level 3C
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about how to say to the elders in Korean. Can ask and answer questions with expressions about asking friends for help in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about sports exercises and sport places in Korean.
Today is Grandmother’s Birthday (오늘은 할머니 생신이에요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases to say to the elders and understand vocabulary about gifts and special days in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions phrases to say to the elders and practice grammar of the previous topic about gifts and special days in Korean.
Teach Me a Korean Song! (한국 노래를 가르쳐 주세요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about asking friends for help and related vocabulary.
Shall We Practice on Saturday? (토요일에 발표회 연습을 할까요?)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about exercise and understand vocabulary about sports exercises and their places in Korean.
Level 3D
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about show performances and children games in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about show performances and children games cultures in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions about how to asking friends for help and practice grammar of the previous topic about sports exercises and their places in Korean.
Please Come To Our Performance (발표회에 와 주세요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about shows in the school and understand vocabulary about show performances in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about show performances in school.
What Are You Doing? (뭐 하고 있어요?)
Students can ask and answer with expressions while playing and understand vocabulary about children’s games in Korean.
Level 4A
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about school exhibition and another school activities in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about school exhibition and another school activities cultures in Korean.
Our Class is Going to Have an Exhibition (우리 반에서 전시회를 해요)
Students can ask and answer questions about exhibitions at school and understand vocabulary about exhibitions at school in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about exhibitions at school in Korean.
I Can Do It Myself (내가 할줄 알아)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about creative activities at school and understand vocabulary about activities at school in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about activities at school in Korean.
Level 4B
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with having a good day phrases in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about illness and health in Korean.
It Was a Fun Day (즐거운 하루였어요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about having a good day and understand vocabulary about having a good day in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about having good day phrases in Korean.
You Have a Fever, So You Need to Rest (열이 나니까 푹 쉬세요)
Students can ask and answer with phrases about illness and health and understand vocabulary about illness and health in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about illness and health in Korean.
Level 4C
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about doing outdoor activities and daily habits in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about doing outdoor activities and daily habits in Korean.
I Will Exercise Hard (운동을 열심히 할게요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about trying hard and understand vocabulary about doing outdoor activities in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about various outdoor activities in Korean.
Change Your Daily Habits (생할 습관을 바꿔 보세요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about daily habits and understand vocabulary about daily activities and habits in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about daily activities and habits in Korean.
Level 4D
Equals to TOPIK 1 Level 2Learning Goals
Can ask and answer questions with phrases about inviting friends and buying clothes at store in Korean. Can exercise the learned topics with various games, listening, writing and reading practice. Can know and understand various vocabulary about inviting friends and buying clothes at store in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about daily activities and habits in Korean.
How About We Go to The Park to Ride Our Bikes? (공원에 가서 자전거를 탈래?)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about inviting friends and understand vocabulary about doing activities with friends in Korean.
Exercise (종합연습)
Students can work on the practice of writing expressions and grammar of the previous topic about inviting friends in Korean.
Why Don’t You Try It On? (한번 입어 보세요)
Students can ask and answer with expressions about buying clothes at the store and understand vocabulary about clothing stores in Korean.