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Redeem Your Cakap Club Voucher Code!

Immerse yourself in various topics and knowledge surrounding foreign languages with Cakap Club. Redeem your code now!

How to Redeem Your Cakap Club
Voucher Code

Register Yourself on Cakap App
You can download Cakap app here and complete the registration process.
You Can Check Any Language Available
Tap “Your current course” and check any language available.
Choose Your Language Course
Select the language course you want to learn.
Buy Learning Packages
Find the “Buy Learning Package Here” section on the homepage and click ‘Buy Now.’
Choose Your Learning Method
Select Cakap Club as your learning method and click ‘Find Packages.’
Click ‘Apply’
In the “Do you have a code?” section, click 'Apply' to enter the voucher code.
Insert Your Voucher Code
Make sure that your voucher code is active.
Voucher Successfully Redeemed
Purchase the Cakap Club package that suits you best.
Pick Your Schedule
Finally, pick the most convenient schedule for you. Happy learning!
How Can We Help?
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us!